Welcome to
The Performance Pilates Online Training Zone!

In this space you will become part of the Performance Pilates online community and can gain access to classes at any time, giving you the flexibility to train when it suits.

FOR $55


Unlimited access to over 60 online classes.
Access from the moment you sign up – either monthly, or for one month only.
Classes that are taught by accredited Professional Pilates Instructor and former Australian representative athlete Jess Morrison.
Jess has over 14 years teaching experience and provides in depth detailed instructions and demonstrations of all the featured exercises.
Access to classes for all levels of experience, from beginner to advanced and featuring small apparatus, stretching and equestrian specific classes, including the Ready to Ride exercises, plus more! New content is regularly added. There is something for everyone!

“In 10 sessions you will feel the difference, in 20 sessions you will see the difference and in 30, you will have a whole new body."
- Joseph Pilates

What are you waiting for?

Join Now!

Can’t wait to work with you. Yours in Pilates….Jess
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